#61 Need for Retreat

We can all benefit from retreating from the fast pace of day-to-day life and the way we all need to find the things that give us a reset. I personally have spent the summer looking for different ways to retreat so share some of them in this blog. One of my favourite things to do when I have time is to write so I also share a poem I wrote whilst on a recent yoga retreat.

#59 How can we improve resilience?

Life can be full of challenges (this year for me, more than usual) so finding ways to improve resilience is important. Some lucky people are able to move forward and see the positive side of anything thrown at them. Most of us however, do have times when we struggle so we need coping strategies and in this blog, I share some of mine.

#58 - Express Yourself

How many times do we truly express how we are feeling? And do we really want to hear the answer when we ask how others are? In this blog, I provide some of my favourite new words to describe emotions so that we can get more creative with how we express ourselves.

#56 - What's your gut feeling?

The microbiomes in our gut (aka good and bad bacteria) play important roles in our body such as maintaining the health of our immune system and affecting how we break down food. Good gut bacteria thrive on a wide variety of plant-based foods so in this blog I talk about the programme I have been following and how eating 30+ a week is not as hard as it sounds.

#55 - Offsetting the ups and downs

We often have high expectations for January just because it’s the start of another calendar year. But it’s really just like any other month as likely to be filled with the ups and downs of life’s rollercoaster. Instead of dwelling on the disappointing, upsetting or frustrating things that happen, I am going to OFFSET them against positive, rewarding and happy things. And if there aren’t enough of those to cancel out each other, I will go out of my way to create them.

#54 - Team work makes the dream work

We are all capable of pretty amazing things when we work together as a team. I just took part in a fitness competition with a team of badass women. The training was difficult and we all questioned whether we could do it (and why this is our idea of fun!) BUT on the day, we cheered each other on and pushed ourselves and achieved something that we couldn’t have done on our own.

#53 - Finding our balance

Finding balance in all its forms is so important for us. This blog looks at the influence of each of the 5 natural elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space on the way we live our lives and how too much or too little of each can be detrimental.

#52 - Get High

With my bungee jump experience fresh in my mind, in this blog I consider why some people are thrill-seekers who are always looking for the next adrenaline rush. There is a scientific reason why we get a kick out of putting ourselves at risk - to release our feel-good chemicals.

#51 - Make a bucket list

Having a bucket list can be a great way to prioritise life goals, give us a sense of achievement when we can tick off an item on the list and can also provide a welcome distraction from negative experiences or feelings. In this blog, I share some of my bucket list items - some I have already completed and some still to be achieved.

#49 Look to the stars to find your purpose

Gazing up at the stars can make you feel like such a tiny speck in the universe - how can I possible make a difference? But actually flip that around and realise that is why every small thing we do to help others can make a huge difference - because life is short and we can look closer to home. Having a sense of purpose has a huge impact on our wellbeing and it’s unique to every individual. So look to the stars and find your own purpose.

#48 Don't be a drag - get into drag!

Drag is one of the things that always makes me feel happy - whether it is on TV or in a live show, the combination of costumes, make-up, performance, smut, camaraderie and ridiculousness is the perfect tonic. In this blog I share the main reasons why drag is fab and makes me feel good.

#47 Start a happiness jar

A happiness jar is a great way to focus on positive thoughts and things that make you happy - then you can look back on all the notes you added at the end of the year and realise what a fabulous year it was! Mine already has some entries for this week and hoping it will overflow soon

#46 One year with Teddy

Pre-Teddy we had considered getting a dog but the timing never seemed right but it’s hard to think of life without her now. She has such a big personality although still quite small - the main photo is her at 8 weeks and 1 year. Don’t they say dogs are like their owners? Well she is fun, loving, has bundles of energy and is sometimes naughty so obviously that is true ;0). I have written a poem to make me think about the last 12 months with Teddy.

#45 Coping with change

Change can be scary as we humans tend to fear the unknown and imagine the worst. We are all facing more change than usual to our daily lives thanks to the global pandemic. Coupled with the changes that need to be made in my business as we continue to grow, I need more than ever to turn to coping strategies.

#44 - Being Childish

Being childish every now and again (or a lot if you are like me) is good for us. Escape from the realities of being a grown-up to unleash our inner child and just have fun. In this blog I share a few ways I have enjoyed being a child lately. Instead of work/life balance, find some adult/child balance!

#43 Learn to say No

Saying no is important - so that we can manage our workload and avoid stress and free up time to do more of what makes us happy and fulfilled and adds the most value. But saying no does not always come naturally so in this blog I think about why it’s challenging and how to think about the reasons differently.