All in Body

#56 - What's your gut feeling?

The microbiomes in our gut (aka good and bad bacteria) play important roles in our body such as maintaining the health of our immune system and affecting how we break down food. Good gut bacteria thrive on a wide variety of plant-based foods so in this blog I talk about the programme I have been following and how eating 30+ a week is not as hard as it sounds.

#54 - Team work makes the dream work

We are all capable of pretty amazing things when we work together as a team. I just took part in a fitness competition with a team of badass women. The training was difficult and we all questioned whether we could do it (and why this is our idea of fun!) BUT on the day, we cheered each other on and pushed ourselves and achieved something that we couldn’t have done on our own.

#52 - Get High

With my bungee jump experience fresh in my mind, in this blog I consider why some people are thrill-seekers who are always looking for the next adrenaline rush. There is a scientific reason why we get a kick out of putting ourselves at risk - to release our feel-good chemicals.

#36 Take the Plunge

This week I took the plunge and actually chose to sit in a pool of ice water for 2 minutes! Only after attending a workshop on the Wim Hof Method - this is a technique involving cold therapy, breathing and commitment developed by a Dutch extreme-athlete who has broken many records for a wide range of achievements in extremely cold temperatures.

#29 Diary of a wellness festival

This blog is a diary of the recent Wellness Festival that I attended over bank holiday weekend. Highlights included ecstatic dancing, enforced laughter, lots of yoga and the gong bath. I am pretty much up for trying anything on my well-being journey so it was great to try out some new things…even if some of them were a bit odd.

#25 But is coffee bad for me?

I absolutely LOVE everything about coffee! So the fact that I am currently going 7 days without it (in support of my sister’s detox) does not appeal to me at all. However, I am using this opportunity to research more about whether coffee is good or bad for us. Do the potential downsides of caffeine outweigh the benefits and the sheer pleasure of it?

#22 Check your posture

Working from home every day instead of being out at meetings and spending way more time seated on webcam calls has made me very aware of my posture. There are many benefits associated with positioning our bodies correctly whether we are sitting, standing, exercising or lifting - most importantly to avoid putting strain on our joints.

#21 Time is precious

Time is so precious - we can’t slow time down or go back in time but there are many ways that it influences our well-being. I have been thinking about the ways that I can deal with time better

#19 Healthy eating

A balanced diet is one of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and is so important to maintain our energy levels, provide good nourishment for our bodies and help avoid chronic diseases. In this blog I share some facts about healthy eating and some general rules that can help to maintain a healthy eating habit without depriving yourself.

#18 Wonders of Water

Water plays such an important role for humans - even though we are already 60% made of it, it’s very important that we drink enough of it. Dehydration can affect our body’s ability to flush out toxins, cause stress, reduce concentration, damage our complexion so there are just a few reasons to up your water intake.