All in Nature

#53 - Finding our balance

Finding balance in all its forms is so important for us. This blog looks at the influence of each of the 5 natural elements Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space on the way we live our lives and how too much or too little of each can be detrimental.

#38 Are we all lunatics?

With the next full moon due on 30th November, this blog considers all the reported ways that the moon affects us - our mood, our reproduction, our tendency for violence and whether we are going to turn into a werewolf. The impact of the moon on our behaviour has always been steeped in myth and legend but whether true or not, a full moon is one of nature’s beautiful spectacles.

#34 Seasonal changes

Summer is officially gone and Autumn is here and the change in the seasons really can affect how we feel both physically and mentally. This blog is about how season change affects us, what we can do about it and why we should be more like hedgehogs..

#28 What colour makes you happy?

This blog was inspired by my recent trip to the Lake District where I set myself the challenge of taking photos to showcase the amazing myriad of colours of nature. Witnessing such a vibrant variety of colours was really uplifting so everyone should get lots of colour in their lives. Our food, what we wear, the colours we surround ourselves with at home can all have an influence on how we feel.

#16 Sounds good to me

Our sense of hearing, like all of our senses, can have a huge influence on our emotional well-being. Whether it is noise from nature, my favourite music, going to a live gig or experiencing a gong bath - this blog is about how sounds play a very important role in my life.