

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#15 Power of Plants

#15 Power of Plants

Being confined to our homes more than usual during lockdown means that we need to focus more on what contributes to our well-being in our own surroundings. We all know how good being outside amongst nature can bring but houseplants can fill a void while our time outside is limited.

Houseplants don’t just jazz up our homes and enhance our mood, they have many proven health benefits:

They help us to breathe better

During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen so they are perfect cohabitants for us humans who do the reverse. Although most plants stop photosynthesis at night and reverse the process, some special plants continue to release oxygen so are perfect for the bedroom (such as yukka, cactus, spider plants).

They help to purify the air

Plants play a pivotal role in improving air quality as their leaves and roots help to remove trace levels of toxic pollutants in buildings. NASA actually did some research (and who is going to argue with them?) to show that up to 87% of volatile organic compounds can be removed from the air by plants. VOCs are formaldehyde found in rugs, vinyl and shopping bags or benezene and trichioroethylene found in man-made fibres, paints and printed papers.

They can help prevent illnesses

We have all experienced the havoc that the winter months indoors can wreak on us. During driers months, indoor plans can help to boost the moisture levels in the air which can help decrease instances of dry skin, colds and coughs. See some of the recommended plants best for this here Plants in hospital settings have also been proven to speed up patient recovery.

They help you work better

Being around plants improves concentration, memory and productivity. Studies have shown significant improvements in quality and accuracy of work in the presence of houseplants.

I have quite a few houseplants and the fact that most of them have survived for years now brings me great joy. I don’t have green fingers but the routine of watering them, rotating them to get the best light and removing dead leaves is a welcome distraction. This blog has inspired me to order some more so if you don’t already have houseplants, I suggest you order some right now.

#16 Sounds good to me

#16 Sounds good to me

#14 Meditate

#14 Meditate