

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#13 Essential happy smells

#13 Essential happy smells

I know the term ‘essential items’ has a specific meaning currently but for me, essential oils ARE essential! Our sense of smell is very powerful - a particular smell can trigger a happy memory or evoke a feeling of familiarity and comfort.  Scientists have found that certain aromas can enhance how we feel.  There is nothing better than the smells that come from nature to enhance our mood. Who doesn’t find it exhilarating to walk through a pine forest or inhale the sharp and sweet aroma of freshly cut grass?  We also now have an abundance of beautiful fresh flowers and herbs to tantalise our nostrils. 

Essential oils are a great way to get our sniff kicks at home to give us an immediate mood boost.  These are highly concentrated essences derived from plants and they are now widely available to buy online (while our shopping options are limited).  They have been around for hundreds of years but with the rise in stress-related conditions resulting from our modern hectic lives, aromatherapy has seen an increase in popularity.  This is a holistic healing treatment that uses blends of aromatic essential oils to promote health and well-being. 

I am a big fan of oil burners and diffusers and scented candles and I have a huge collection of oils that I burn depending on what I am doing and how I am feeling (the photo on this blog are my faves to use at my desk at work).

There are around 150 different essential oils today (some blends of complementary oils) and each of them produce a different psychological and physiological effect. Some of the common ones are:

  • Citrus (lemon, mandarin, grapefruit)– gives you an immediate burst of energy

  • Peppermint and chamomile have calming properties

  • Vanilla scent reduces stress and anxiety.

  • Rosemary can clear the mind and enhance concentration and focus

  • Lavender is deeply relaxing and can help with sleep

  • Jasmine is uplifting and an antidepressant

There are lots of different ways to get the benefit from essential oils in your own home:

  1. Add a few drops to an oil diffuser or burner

  2. Add a few drops to a long, soakey bath

  3. Simply hold the open bottle under your nose, close your eyes and breathe deeply

  4. Put some oil on a fresh hanky and inhale

  5. Add a few drops to a bowl of hot water and hold your head over it with a towel to keep in the fumes and breathe in deeply a few times

  6. Add a few drops to the inside of your wrists and inhale (or you can get roller versions designed for this purpose)

  7. Add a few drops to water in an empty spray bottle to use as an air freshener

Be more aware of how different smells affect your mood and maybe try out a few of the special blends designed for optimism or stress-relief or happiness. When we are allowed back out, I highly recommend an aromatherapy massage. For now, even if you haven’t got essential oils, just open a window or go outside and breathe in some fresh air!

#14 Meditate

#14 Meditate

#12 Stop feeling guilty

#12 Stop feeling guilty