

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#12 Stop feeling guilty

#12 Stop feeling guilty

I don’t know about you but I am feeling a bit more guilty than usual. I think it has a lot to do with the fact that I am not entirely sure how I am supposed to be reacting to the current (very strange) situation that we all find ourselves in. I mean, there are no rules about how you should act when lots of people are dying from a highly contagious global virus. BUT that doesn’t stop us worrying that we are somehow failing to do what we should be doing does it? I am taking some solace from the growing ripple of refreshing social media posts from those who admit that they are struggling.

As if we don’t have enough reasons to feel guilty in normal circumstances comparing what we do to what other people do or say we should do, the guilt dial has been turned up to a whole other level!

I am trying not to beat myself up by thinking differently…

  • It’s difficult not to feel guilty that those with front line jobs are directly helping people and risking their own health, it makes you question what more you could be doing. But perhaps we should feel good about helping those that are by following medical guidelines

  • Of course I should be using all this additional time (although it feels like I have never been busier ) while I am not travelling or going out to learn a plethora of new skills, or revive abandoned hobbies . Perhaps though nobody will actually judge me for choosing to binge watch TV during down time instead

  • As a business owner, I worry about whether I am keeping staff motivated AND being flexible enough to help with their changed personal circumstances AND looking out for their wellbeing - all while trying to keep the business going. So feeling guilty is a complete waste of time when there are much bigger things to focus my energy on

  • It’s absolutely fine that I can’t achieve flattering lighting on a webcam, no matter how many angles I try. I mean, there are legitimate excuses not to look our best - it’s not like we have a hair and make-up crew self-isolating with us like the celebrities seem to have!

  • Maybe someone is rustling up exotic and delicious recipes from a turnip, foraged berries and dried pulses from the back of the cupboard. It’s equally ok that I am eating as healthily as I can given our shopping restrictions and am eating slightly more chocolate than usual

In conclusion, think I probably have enough to deal with right now without adding guilt to the list. Staying safe and doing whatever we can to look after ourselves and each other is what is important,

#13 Essential happy smells

#13 Essential happy smells

#11 Don't forget to laugh

#11 Don't forget to laugh