

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#38 Are we all lunatics?

#38 Are we all lunatics?

The reason for the strange blog title is that the word lunatic is derived from luna, the Latin word for MOON. It is used to describe someone who is mentally ill, dangerous, or crazy as it is believed that we are more likely to show erratic behaviour during a full moon.

I chose this topic because there is a full moon due on 30th November.  The full moon appears in the night sky when the Sun and the Moon are aligned on opposite sides of Earth. If you are interested in reading more about the moon’s phases, this site provides a really good summary.

When you think about it, the moon is very mysterious - the moon landing conspiracy theory, the fact its appearance changes so dramatically throughout the month, the myth that it triggers humans to turn into werewolves!

The moon plays such an important role for life on our planet.

  • It causes tides that create a rhythm that has guided all of Earth’s creatures for thousands of years. Many small animals are more active during the new moon phase because they are less visible and have less chance of being eaten.

  • It is the pull of the Moon's gravity on the Earth that holds it in place. Without the Moon stabilising our tilt, it is possible that the Earth's tilt could vary wildly. It would move from no tilt (which means no seasons) to a large tilt (which means extreme weather and even ice ages).

Can the moon increase instances of violence?

There have been studies that show increases in violent crime during a full moon. One particular study in Florida is widely quoted where over a 5 year period, there was a study of police records that showed a marked rise in homicide and aggravated assault around full moons. I found the following abstract from the research very interesting:

Gratuitous image of a werewolf

Gratuitous image of a werewolf

If such persons are violence prone, they may be compelled into uncontrollable behaviour. The werewolf legend and the theories of astrology may have some scientific basis, as revealed by correlations of police and fire department data with data from the lunar ephemeris San Francisco suicides and Florida homicides appear to be directly correlated with the appearance of the full moon’.

Does the moon affect how we feel?

It is thought that the moon's energy also amplifies our emotions. When the moon is full, it can bring your emotions to the surface whereas the new moon is a great time for a fresh start and to let go because it’s a time to be more reflective. Psychiatric studies into bipolar patients deduced that their mood swings did directly correlate with the moon.

Can the moon influence human reproduction?

There is evidence that our internal biological rhythms may be linked to the moon’s cycle. The fact that the monthly lunar cycle is the same as the average woman’s menstruation cycle has led some people (including Charles Darwin) to hypothesise that our bodies are synchronised with the tides. There have even been studies to prove that more babies are born during the full moon because the gravitational pull is at its strongest!

Is there any truth to any of this?

Sceptics put some of the theories about the impact of a full moon down to ‘Illusory correlation’ This happens when we remember events better than non-events - for example if something unusual happens during a full moon, we are more likely to remember it and comment on it. I think it makes sense that before electricity was invented and people had to gallivant in the light of the moon, more exciting things were bound to happen!

Whether any of these theories are true or not, I love the mystery of the moon and looking up at a full moon in a clear night sky has to be good for us.

#39 Does counting down help us?

#39 Does counting down help us?

#37 - What does success really mean?

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