

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#27 I need a holiday

#27 I need a holiday

I am writing about holidays this week because I am actually going on one for the first time since February! It’s tempting to just carry on without a break when all plans for this year have gone out of the window. But both my body and my mind are now telling me that I need to take one.

I don’t think anyone would argue with the fact that holidays are really good for us:

  • Regular breaks reduce stress levels and help us to avoid burnout and can even minimise the risk of heart disease

  • Time away from our normal lives gives us time to reflect and get clarity of mind on any issues that have been concerning us

  • Slowing down the pace of life helps us to reset our body clock - we often get more sleep on holiday so it can be very restorative

  • On holiday we indulge all of our senses - it’s time to do what we want to do or try things we wouldn’t normally do

Although it’s not exactly the holiday I had originally planned for this year, it got me thinking about what I value most about being on holiday and whether it will still tick most of the boxes for me.

Swimming in Thailand

Switch off from work

I love my work but holidays are a chance to completely switch off. I never take my laptop and I try to not check my emails too many times. It’s really important that when I do take a holiday - it means a complete break so that I can re-charge my batteries. And you can switch off ANYWHERE! I actually get some of my best ideas when I am away from the pressure of deadlines - my mind can be free.

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Explore new places

For me, holidays are about exploring new places. I rarely go to the same place more than once. This photo is of a spectacular waterfall in Iceland - it never ceases to amaze me how wonderful and diverse our planet is. We don’t fully appreciate the beauty on our own doorstep. I am going to the Lake District and have another trip planned to Cornwall - two stunning locations with plenty of scope for exploration.

Seafood Platter

Yummy food

Food plays an important role for me on holiday. I like trying local dishes if I am somewhere different and relax my usual discipline and eat whatever I like. This photo is of one of the most delicious and unexpected mixed seafood platter served from a seaside shack In Italy. One of the great things about the UK is that we can get a wide range of delicious foods so I know that I won’t miss out on this one.

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Try new things

I am always up for an adventure wherever I am. Holidays are about trying things that we wouldn’t normally do at home. This photo was my first experience of F1 at La Monza in Italy - I got to experience the exhilaration of the surge forward when they open the gates to the track and to hold the edge of Ferrari flag. My fave driver Alonso was on the podium! There are always new experiences to seek out wherever I am so not worried about this one. One new thing that I am going to try on this holiday is relaxing for a prolonged period of time so I am seeing it as a positive that I am going somewhere that I have been before.

So my conclusion is that I can find all the things that I value in a holiday wherever I am. Instead of moaning about where I can’t go, I am going to REALLY relish every moment of where I can go!

#28 What colour makes you happy?

#28 What colour makes you happy?

#26 Less is More

#26 Less is More