

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#29 Diary of a wellness festival

#29 Diary of a wellness festival

So what better topic for a well-being blog than the diary of my recent weekend at a wellness festival? I was thinking of taking the stance that ‘what happens at a wellness festival stays at a wellness festival’ but to be honest - it was too weird and wonderful not to share!

Day 1

4pm Welcome meeting

At the first gathering (after the social distancing guidelines obvs) we were introduced to the teachers and each other. Some of the group had been there all week for a silent retreat with just one meal a day (note to self, don’t ever convince yourself to sign up for this). What was interesting was the diversity of reasons why people attend this type of retreat - some were looking for healing, some wanted to be in the company of like-minded people, some were on an adventure to experience new things. As for my reasons, I have been on similar retreats and just needed some time to reflect and focus on myself AND spend some quality time with my BFF (in picture with me above).

7pm Yoga and Singing bowls

The first yoga session ended with relaxation accompanied by Tibetan singing bowls. These are a type of bell shaped like a bowl that produce deep vibrations and have powerful healing properties. Very soothing so a good start to the weekend.

8pm Ecstatic Dance

This was what I was looking forward to the most and it didn’t disappoint. Crazy dancing like nobody is watching (with our eyes shut so we wouldn’t know anyway) to tribal music for 90 minutes! Surprisingly, this was the perfect opportunity to reflect with no outside distractions. By the time we were told to drop to the floor, I was ready for sleep. I must admit, I couldn’t resist peeking at some of the others dancing and I definitely wasn’t going for it as much as some of them.

Day 2

7.00am Morning yoga and meditation

Despite the early night, this still felt really early - particularly as it was cold and we started walking barefoot in the morning dew. This was followed by enforced laughter ‘the magic pill’ which was very contagious and weirdly affective. We were lucky that the sun was out and it gradually warmed up so it was uplifting to be outside.

11.00am to 2.30 Self-indulgent treatments

I signed up for ALL available treatments as I wanted to fully immerse myself into the experience

  • Ayurvedic Massage - a deep tissue massage with essential oils - who doesn’t like a massage?

  • Reflexology - I LOVE anything involving a foot massage so this was pure bliss

  • Quantum Touch - this is an energy healing technique using life force (also known as Chi or Prana) to transfer positive energy. It was very calming but I am not sure that’s just because I got to close my eyes for 30 minutes.

8.00pm Kirtan

Kirtan is the practice of yogic chanting, in this case chants to accordian music. I have experienced this before and it was very uplifting but wasn’t really feeling this, mostly as I was struggling to sit in one place and it seemed to go on forever - so I left early.

10.00pm Gong bath

A gong bath is an ancient type of sound therapy that's been practiced for thousands of years. The term 'bath' signifies being bathed in sound waves (there's no water or touching involved). You lie down and let the waves of vibrations wash over you in a kind of half sleep trance. I woke myself up snoring twice but it’s not something you get to do every day so felt really good.

Yoga session 2.png

Day 3

7am Morning yoga and meditation

The final and extended practice. This was a challenge as despite beautiful morning sunshine, it was really cold. Following more induced laughter and a yoga practice, we spend 40 minutes going through various breathing techniques (pranayama) including:

  • Kapalabhati consists of alternating short, explosive exhales and slightly longer, passive inhales. Exhales are generated by powerful contractions of the lower belly which push air out of the lungs

  • Fire breathing - The breath of fire is a pranayama common in kundalini yoga, this yoga breathing technique is heating, detoxifying and energises your whole system rhythmic breath

  • Bhramari or bee breathing - Block your ears with your thumbs and make a deep buzzing sound in your throat like a bee

By the end of the session, my toes were nearly blue with cold but considering half the group had fled to the warmth, I was pleased that I made it to the end.

It was lovely to get away and immerse myself in wholesome activities for a weekend. I did look down on myself at several points and think ‘wow this sure isn’t how you used to spend bank holiday weekend’ but nowadays it’s prettty exciting being anywhere that is not my house.

#30 Don't struggle alone

#30 Don't struggle alone

#28 What colour makes you happy?

#28 What colour makes you happy?