

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#26 Less is More

#26 Less is More

For this week’s blog, I wanted to try something different so have written a poem. The topic is inspired by the concept of quality over quantity being better for our well-being in all aspects of our life.

Less is More

Why do we need so much stuff?

When only a fraction we need

If we were to let go material things

The de-clutter will make us feel free


Why do we need many friendships?

When the deep ones we value much more

The friends to whom we can reveal our true selves

And don’t judge us for every flaw


Why do we get far too busy?

When the burden just makes us feel stressed

If we focus on finishing fewer tasks well

We can really deliver our best


Why do we need so much money?

When the richness of life can’t be bought

Bigger house, better car and more bling

Won’t fulfil us for long once they’re sought


Why do we strive for perfection?

When we know that we can’t cross the line

Instead we should be the best version of us

And accept that imperfect is fine


Why do we always want more?

When less is the secret they say

Let go of the longing for what we can’t have

And be grateful for what’s here today


#27 I need a holiday

#27 I need a holiday

#25 But is coffee bad for me?

#25 But is coffee bad for me?