

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#21 Time is precious

#21 Time is precious

I have been thinking a lot about time recently and how much it has an impact on our well-being.  Many aspects of our lives revolve around time - whether it is the way we spend and manage our time or how we deal with the passing of time.

One thing is for sure, we can’t control time – it keeps moving forward so you can’t stop it and you can’t go back.  So it’s a precious commodity that we should not take for granted.

There are so many phrases that we hear that are about living life to the full:


  • YOLO


I agree with all of them but not sure I am truly living them currently. There are 3 key aspects of time that I am going to focus on as they play such a huge role in how I am feeling:

Make time…to do very little

This is one that I find quite challenging as I always seem to find something that I should be doing and feel a bit guilty if I am not.  BUT we have to make time for ourselves and to build down time into our lives – otherwise we will risk burn out.    It’s very true that there are only so many hours in the day so we should use them wisely. 

Sometimes taking time out to relax can mean that we are more re-energised and productive so this is one I am going to be working on as a priority.

Don’t dwell on the past

It is not healthy for us to dwell on anything that has happened in the past.  Analysing a negative experience or a criticism or a heart break over and over is not going to achieve anything.  Instead we should try to encourage emotions that will focus on the positive:

  • Acceptance – that nothing we can do will change the past but we CAN influence how we are perceived, how we live our lives and how we interact with others today

  • Forgiveness – we are all human and we all do things that we are not proud of or regret.  So rather than let resentment eat away at us, we should practice forgiveness

  • Optimism – most of us have had negative things in the past that keep coming back to haunt us but letting go is much better for our health

 “Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift.   That's why it's called the present”

Don’t wish your life away

Can you believe it has been 3 months since the lockdown began? That is quarter of a year!  But we spend far too much time wishing our lives away like counting down the days until a holiday or wishing it was Christmas.  Whilst many people have been forced to enjoy a slower pace of life at home during lockdown, those of us that have carried on working are struggling more with work / life balance.

So strange that I felt so exhausted travelling so much with work last year and wishing I could be at home more and now I wish the complete opposite! Rather than wishing for things to be ‘back to normal’ (whatever that means), I am going to try and establish more of a routine to enjoy doing things that I don’t usually make enough time for.

True well-being is about being happy right now and being grateful and to stop worrying about how much time we haven’t got. After all, we can’t really ever guarantee that there will be a tomorrow can we?  So all the more reason to relish the moment, not watch the clock and try to find enjoyment every day.


#22 Check your posture

#22 Check your posture

#20 Keep on learning

#20 Keep on learning