

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#5 Magic of Massage

#5 Magic of Massage

The reason massage is the focus this week is that I have just spent 3 days on an advanced Thai massage course.  I qualified as a Thai Massage Therapist over 2 years ago and it is now one of my favourite ways to unwind and de-stress – whether I am giving or receiving a massage.

So why does massage improve your overall feeling of well-being? Here are some of the benefits:

  • Proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and can help relieve anxiety and depression

  • Opportunity to fully relax and spend time on something that makes you feel good

  • Human touch is nurturing – physical touch increases levels of dopamine and serotonin, two neurotransmitters that help regulate your mood

  • Improves sleep

  • Improves blood circulation, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells

  • Can be focused on areas of the body where you are experiencing tension or pain

  • After exercise, massage can help alleviate delayed-onset muscle soreness, or DOMS

There are lots of different types of massage and they are not all for everyone (although I personally love them all!).  I have made a promise to myself to have at least one massage per month and so far this year I have already had an aromatherapy massage, reflexology and of course Thai massage.

Thai massage is sometimes known as thai yoga massage which probably explains why I love it so much. You can read more about it here.

You are fully clothed and the therapist assists you into stretches and yoga postures. Pressure is applied using hands, thumbs, elbows, feet and knees and the intensity can be adjusted to your preference.   

Now if you have never tried it, don’t be put off by the idea of Thai massage because you associate it with the more ‘seedy’ options offered in the sex districts of Thailand!  Or depending on what floats your boat maybe that’s a reason you would try it :0)  Traditional thai massage is nothing like that.

If you have never had a massage or haven’t had one for a while – treat yourself, it makes you feel sooooo good.

#6 Self-love

#6 Self-love

#4 Get organised

#4 Get organised