

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#18 Wonders of Water

#18 Wonders of Water

Water is such an important element for us humans. When you think about it, water plays such a huge role in our lives - we are made of it (60% of adult bodies), we drink it, we wash in it, we swim in it. 70% of our planet’s surface is covered in water.

It is very good for us to drink water and stay hydrated and here are some of the reasons why:

  • Water increases energy and alertness. As our brain is mostly water, drinking it helps us think, focus and concentrate better. Dehydration can cause stress and negative moods so

  • It’s essential for our kidneys and other bodily functions to help flush the toxins from our bodies (which is why we should drink a glass of water between each alcoholic drink but who actually remembers to do that?)

  • Water is a main component of saliva which contains small amounts of electrolytes, mucus and enzymes. It’s essential to break down solid food and maintaining a healthy mouth

  • Staying hydrated is crucial to maintaining our body temperature when we lose sweat during physical activity or when we are acclimatising to hot environments

  • Hydration also affects our strength, power, and endurance which is why we are encouraged to drink more water during exercise

  • Drinking lots of water can prevent our skin from wrinkling prematurely and improve our complexion (I certainly notice it in my skin if I haven’t had enough water)

I feel a huge affinity with water - in fact I think I may have been a mermaid in a former life. At the beginning of this year I tried out acupuncture for the first time which was fascinating. The therapist told that my dominant element is WATER and I was amazed how accurately that described my personality and preferences. The ancient Chinese philosophers use the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water to identify our individual constitutions to prescribe medicine and treatment plans.

Water is also my favourite (non-alcoholic) drink - I would never choose any other soft drink but would never choose water if wine is on offer ;0. I always have bottle of water with me - one that fits in my work bag, one for yoga, one that holds 2 litres so I can monitor daily water intake etc.

When I consider some of my favourite things to do - they all involve water:

  • Soaking in a long bubble bath

  • Jumping into the pool or the sea as soon as I arrive on holiday

  • Hiking on the fells of the Lake District with spectacular views of the beautiful lakes below

  • Running in refreshing light rain

So make sure that you are drinking enough water throughout the day. Remember - don’t buy plastic bottles - filter your tap water if you have to. We have to do what we can to save the beautiful natural bodies of water that nourish our planet.

Following on from last week’s theme of being grateful, we should be so thankful that we have an unlimited supply of clean water. In recognition of this, my company Hyphen8 has donated £1000 this week to WaterAid UK.

#19 Healthy eating

#19 Healthy eating

#17 Be grateful

#17 Be grateful