

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#61 Need for Retreat

#61 Need for Retreat

The definition of Retreat is ‘an act of moving back or withdrawing’. We all sometimes need to ‘get away’ - life can be stressful. Whether it’s for an hour, a day, a week or longer, it’s so important that we find ways to retreat that works for us. Ideally, we can find something that nurtures our body and our mind and where time is not meant to be crammed with tasks. We all need Vitamin R(etreat) - I nicked that phrase from a yoga site!

I have regular ways of retreating that work for me like dog walks in the park, various fitness activities and yoga. But this summer I have made an effort to get myself away from my normal surroundings to do different things like…

  • 3 day music/running festival called Lovetrails and dressed up as a butterfly

  • Week long yoga retreat in Spain where I did quite a lot of nothing and reflected

  • Started front crawl lessons and went cold water swimming in a local quarry

I recommend that everyone dresses up once in a while as it’s a great way to escape

Life moves at a fast pace and we rarely make enough time to retreat so i encourage everyone to find out what that means for you. Sharing a poem that I wrote whilst chilling at the yoga retreat.


From what is it that I retreat?

The tornado of life back at home,

Need reminding of life lessons blurry,

That are now front of mind in this poem.

What starts off as strangers soon sharing

Our stories so varied some sad,

In the bliss of our sun-spangled villa,

Somehow life doesn’t seem all that bad.

Our time left to live has such limits,

We know we should spend it so well,

So pointless holding on to our grudges,

Or on damaging thoughts still to dwell.

Embrace this full life we’ve been given,

We are perfect in each special way,

Comparing with others serves no-one,

Only we set the vibe of each day.

No need to squash down our feelings,

Nod our head to them then just let go,

And when reality beckons us homewards,

We have learnt tools to go with the flow.

#60 Must stop proctrastinating

#60 Must stop proctrastinating