#41 New Year - No pressure!

This New Year let’s try not to put more pressure on ourselves - we have enough to contend with. Rather than having high expectations and risk disappointment, I am going to lower my expectations and am making a few pledges to help me get through the current challenges instead of adding new ones.

#40 Puppy Power

A blog dedicated to puppy power now that Teddy the cavapoochon puppy has come into my life like a whirlwind of softness and licks. Pets can be high maintenance but are so worth it as they bring so many benefits which I summarise in this blog and use it as an excuse to share some cute photos!

#39 Does counting down help us?

It’s the first day of December which means we start the official count down to Christmas. Why do we seem to always be counting down to something and does this go against the concept of living in the moment which is supposed to be so good for us? Particularly this year when many of our things to look forward to have had to extend slightly more than we would have hoped.

#38 Are we all lunatics?

With the next full moon due on 30th November, this blog considers all the reported ways that the moon affects us - our mood, our reproduction, our tendency for violence and whether we are going to turn into a werewolf. The impact of the moon on our behaviour has always been steeped in myth and legend but whether true or not, a full moon is one of nature’s beautiful spectacles.

#37 - What does success really mean?

The word success can have all sorts of connotations but it’s important that we define what success means for us as individuals. In this blog I share what success means for me personally and how important it is that we don’t let striving for success get in the way of our happiness or how we interact those around us.

#36 Take the Plunge

This week I took the plunge and actually chose to sit in a pool of ice water for 2 minutes! Only after attending a workshop on the Wim Hof Method - this is a technique involving cold therapy, breathing and commitment developed by a Dutch extreme-athlete who has broken many records for a wide range of achievements in extremely cold temperatures.

#35 Don't forget your Memory

Our memory plays such an important role in our every day lives. Remembering things to help us function in every day life, learning new things to help us develop, recalling experiences that are linked to the feelings and emotions that we felt and even shaping who we are. So it’s important to keep our brains active and our memory sharp.

#34 Seasonal changes

Summer is officially gone and Autumn is here and the change in the seasons really can affect how we feel both physically and mentally. This blog is about how season change affects us, what we can do about it and why we should be more like hedgehogs..

#33 Happy Words

I love words and in this blog share some of my favourite words that make me HAPPY! I believe that our choice of words is SO important to our relationships, the way we portray ourselves and the way others perceive us. They can also have a huge impact on how we feel.

#32 Let Go

We all have things that we need to let go of whether it is material things (in my case my beloved car and the plethora of weird stuff I found when de-cluttering), experiences or relationships. It’s not good for us to hold on to negative thoughts so it’s best to focus on the happy memories and move on.

#31 Do Nothing

Doing nothing is very good for our creativity, productivity and time for reflection. But there are a number of reasons why this can be difficult - 24/7 availability, feelings of guilt that doing nothing is time wasted and our constant need to cram more and more into our day.

#30 Don't struggle alone

It’s perfectly natural to feel like we are struggling right now - there is a lot going on that is out of our control. In this blog I share a few tips that I try to follow myself as coping strategies.

#29 Diary of a wellness festival

This blog is a diary of the recent Wellness Festival that I attended over bank holiday weekend. Highlights included ecstatic dancing, enforced laughter, lots of yoga and the gong bath. I am pretty much up for trying anything on my well-being journey so it was great to try out some new things…even if some of them were a bit odd.

#28 What colour makes you happy?

This blog was inspired by my recent trip to the Lake District where I set myself the challenge of taking photos to showcase the amazing myriad of colours of nature. Witnessing such a vibrant variety of colours was really uplifting so everyone should get lots of colour in their lives. Our food, what we wear, the colours we surround ourselves with at home can all have an influence on how we feel.

#26 Less is More

My blog takes the form of a poem this week. It’s entitled Less is More and it questions why we always strive for quantity over quality in every aspect of our lives.

#25 But is coffee bad for me?

I absolutely LOVE everything about coffee! So the fact that I am currently going 7 days without it (in support of my sister’s detox) does not appeal to me at all. However, I am using this opportunity to research more about whether coffee is good or bad for us. Do the potential downsides of caffeine outweigh the benefits and the sheer pleasure of it?

#24 Failure is part of success

We humans are always beating ourselves up for failing and that is not a good feeling. Whether it’s failing an exam, to get a job, to keep a relationship going, to meet our own unrealistic goals. We should see each of these failures as steps towards success as they are all valuable learning experiences that help us grow.

#22 Check your posture

Working from home every day instead of being out at meetings and spending way more time seated on webcam calls has made me very aware of my posture. There are many benefits associated with positioning our bodies correctly whether we are sitting, standing, exercising or lifting - most importantly to avoid putting strain on our joints.