

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#24 Failure is part of success

#24 Failure is part of success

I wanted to write a blog about failure because it’s interesting that we humans often beat ourselves up for failing in all aspects of our life. Whether it is failing an exam, failing to get the job we want, failing to live up to our own or other people’s expectations, failing to maintain relationships or failing to achieve what we perceive as success. Failure has such a negative connotation that doesn’t make us feel good.

BUT actually failure contributes to success because it’s how we learn and grow and broaden our experience of what works and doesn’t work so well for us at a particular time.

I have been thinking about some of the times I failed and how they spurred me on to do better or embrace a change that turned out to be positive:

  • When I failed my driving test the first time - I was SO disappointed as I thought I (particularly when my friend came eagerly down my drive with a congratulations card in her hand!) but I took it again soon after and passed (unfortunately didn’t stop me ploughing into my friend’s mum’s Escort XR3i a couple of weeks later though!)

  • When I took my post-graduate diploma in marketing, the highest % of marks was for an in-depth case study on the marketing of Gravesend Town Centre. I was absolutely convinced that I would get top marks and failed it! But I re-took it having reflected on how I misinterpreted the approach and passed with flying colours the second time around

  • When I failed to get the pay rise I asked for (and still feel I deserved) when I was promoted in my first marketing agency job, I resigned indignantly and was promptly offered a much better job with better opportunities

  • When I got made redundant from my marketing communications role in 2008, I was upset that I had failed to be selected. But it turned out to be the best thing that ever happened.as I made the decision to become self-employed and re-train as a Salesforce consultant which led me to where I am today

  • When I think about some of the friendships or other relationships that didn’t last, at the time I blamed myself for their failure. I now realise that people change throughout their lives and don’t always want the same things so it’s ok to move on to another chapter

The opposite of failure is success which is too often associated with financial success or reaching the top of a the career ladder or material possessions. For me, success is now more about finding ways to make a difference, finding contentment and enjoyment in life and trying to maintain a positive outlook.

Here are 3 inspirational quotes that I like about failure - we often hear about successes but not all the not-so-successful things they tried along the way to get there…

Just because you fail once, doesn’t mean you’re gonna fail at everything. Keep trying, hold on, and always, always, always believe in yourself, because if you don’t, then who will, sweetie?” — Marilyn Monroe

“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” Thomas Edison

“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.” — Oprah Winfrey

So the next time you think you have failed, think about what you learnt from the experience and turn it into a step towards your success.

#25 But is coffee bad for me?

#25 But is coffee bad for me?

#23 Sun worship - Good and Bad

#23 Sun worship - Good and Bad