

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#42 - Enjoy the little things

#42 - Enjoy the little things

The first guest blog on this site is thanks to Simon Molloy (who is both good at developing code AND writing beautiful words - a rare combination). I think this is a great topic given the news that we still have a way to go before we have our complete freedom back.

 Joy in the little things

The world is a tough place right now.  We are denied the company of our loved ones, we are denied the basic freedoms of going where we want, when we want, and we are being forced to stay at home.

It can be hard in these sorts of days to find any joy in the world – and that’s why it’s important to try and find the joy in little things.
This is something I practice (and preach!) and have done for a long time.  We all know those feelings of waking up in the morning and just seeing a long trudge toward the end of the day and bed again.  This is not abnormal, and more people feel like that than you probably think. 

This is where trying to find the joy in little things can really make a difference.  What do I mean by “little things”?  Just that!  It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant or grand.  Just something that, for as long as it lasts, gives us that feeling that actually, everything is OK.
We can’t go away on exotic holidays or have big family gatherings at the moment, but we can do those little things that are just for us. 

 Some ideas I have used in the past, and have passed on to my friends and family, include:

  • Plan a nice home-cooked dinner for a day in the week, not just a weekend.  If you’re living with your partner, (as I do) we call it “at-home date night”.

  • Spend a day in your pajamas, with absolutely no pressure to get dressed.

  • Have a half-hour kitchen disco – put on your favourite music, loud(!), and dance like no one is watching.

  • Get out for a (socially distanced, local, sticking-to-the-rules) walk.  Fresh air & exercise are so important right now.  But pay attention to what’s around you, really drink in your local area and the beauty it can offer.

These are just some ideas, the key to them being they do not take much effort, they focus on moments of joy and happiness that can boost your mental wellbeing and are still achievable despite the tightening restrictions of lockdown.

I have found the joy in little things and will continue to do so – I hope you can too.


#43 Learn to say No

#43 Learn to say No

#41 New Year - No pressure!

#41 New Year - No pressure!