

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#51 - Make a bucket list

#51 - Make a bucket list

For some reason, I have been thinking more regularly about my bucket list - what is on it, which ones I want to do next.  I think it’s because coming out of lockdown, it kind of felt like 2 years of potential to tick more items off had been lost.  So I thought it would be a good topic for this blog because for me it’s an enjoyable and fulfilling thing to do:

  • Setting goals to prioritise the things I would like to do

  • Feeling a sense of achievement when I tick one off

  • Distracting me from negative feelings and times when I don’t feel so good

Being interested in etymology, I had to check where the term bucket list comes from.  Although there are a few, it is commonly believed to be based on the term ‘kick the bucket’. The most common derivation of kick the bucket originates from suicides who would stand on a bucket with a noose around their neck and kick away the bucket!  MORBID! So a bucket list is a list of things you want to do before you die.

A bucket list can contain smaller things that are very achievable like taking up a hobby or travelling somewhere or can be bigger life goals like owning a house or a career milestone. Great goals can arrive from simple questions: What type of life do I want? How can I improve myself? What's my biggest fear?

Accomplishing personal goals you set is just as important as making it big in the eyes of the outside world. I am lucky enough to have led a full life so far with lots of experiences and adventures (some best not shared here LOL) so I don’t take my bucket list HUGELY seriously but for me, it’s a fun thing to do!

What is on my bucket list?

I have ticked off a number of items on my bucket list, have some that are still left to do AND there will no doubt be others that will be added to the list when I think of them! Thought I would share a few of them.

Bucket list items COMPLETED

  • Complete the London Marathon - 2002 (20 years ago!!!) – it was challenging as I wasn’t a runner at the time so it took over 5 hours and won’t be repeated

  • Skydive – 2005ish - was strapped to a Red Arrow for a charity jump and it was AMAZING. Terrifying until the parachute opens then you don’t want it to end

  • Paragliding over the Alps – 2022 - was so thrilled to do this earlier this year whilst skiing in Switzerland and would do it again tomorrow

  • See Rolling Stones live – 2013 – Glastonbury - they put on such a good show despite looking like they had risen from their graves

  • Nail a headstand in yoga – 2012ish - I practiced A LOT before it came naturally and it’s now a fave posture so perseverance pays off!

Bucket list items - NOT DONE YET

  • Bungee jump – booked in for a 160FT jump on 18th June (EEK!) hopefully still around to write about it in a future blog

  • Set up a charitable foundation - this is perhaps the most important one for me as it would be a good indicator of my goal to make a difference

  • Become a Trustee for a charity - so that I can share the expertise I have built up to add value to an organisation to do more good

  • Walk the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - there are lots more places I want to go to in the world but this is at the top - ideally as part of a long trip around South America

  • Do 3 unassisted pull ups - this is a goal for this year as for me it’s a good indication of improved strength

  • Write a book - I enjoy writing and have always loved the idea of dedicating the time and passion into producing something that people would want to read

For me, pushing myself to do what I may not think I am capable of is a big factor but I will be absolutely fine if I don’t complete them all.

#52 - Get High

#52 - Get High

#50 50 ways to boost your mojo

#50 50 ways to boost your mojo