

Welcome to my blog to share my experiences and things I am learning during my journey to better wellbeing

#44 - Being Childish

#44 - Being Childish

Let’s face it, being an adult is challenging.  As we get older, we have more responsibilities and become role models and there are certain expectations to meet. A good way to balance this out by being childish every now and again.

I am a big believer in the sayings age is just a number and that you are as young as you feel.  Sometimes having fun like a child is the best way to just let go and have fun. Re-capturing those happy-go-lucky days when we didn’t have a care in the world is good for us.

I am silly quite a lot of the time – it balances out the pressures of work and I the concept that I am ‘too old’ to do anything makes me wince.  So I thought I would share some of the less adult things I have been up to….

Last week I went to a local aqua park (photo as evidence below) where they have huge inflatables for bouncing, sliding, climbing and swinging on – it was one of the most fun hours I have ever had and the grown-ups were way more over-excited than the kids!  In the queue, I was surprised to overhear a mother (who was at least 10 years younger than me) saying that she was too old to join in – erm?  Ps I have booked in to go back there in 2 weeks.

Me at Cliff Lakes Aquapark

Since my puppy Teddy came into my life 8 months ago, she has been the BEST reason to find fun and childish things to do.

  • Running through fields of long grass and playing hide and seek

  • Playing tunnels in the garden (see main photo)

  • Chasing her with the hose pipe on a hot day

  • Making up ridiculous songs to sing to her (like the classic ‘Princess Poopypants’)

Obviously one of the best ways to be childlike is to spend time with an actual child instead of a furry one.  I love inventing games with other people’s children and am proud Godmother to Cassie (age 11) who has been a great excuse to visit places like Legoland and Cadbury world, even when it’s really me who wants to go. 

Children are hilarious – they have not yet become cynical, they are full of beans and they find happiness in the simplest things.  So they are great to be around.

The moral of the story is you don’t always have to act your age (whatever that means) so unleash your inner child.

Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional
— Walt Disney
#45 Coping with change

#45 Coping with change

#43 Learn to say No

#43 Learn to say No